Monday, August 23, 2010


It has been the weekend of ALMOSTS….let me explain….
*We almost moved into the new puter room
*We almost had the satellite working in the new puter room
*I almost received my WC disability check
*The new kitchen cabinets were almost completed

So now here are the stories……We put my satellite box into the new puter room and hooked it up to my new hdtv flat screen TV…no matter what we tried (after three or more hours) we could not get the darn thing to work….it should have worked but then again- knowing the satellite company you would have to tell them you are changing rooms so that they can charge you for it. (I do not know that for a fact – but it would not surprise me).

We almost moved the stuffies from the old computer room to the new one but there was still a LOT of items from the new flooring and paint items that were still in the new room – so there was still too many things that had to be moved and cleaned – so the move did not take place.

I usually receive my WC disability check on Fridays – at the latest – it shows up in my bank on Saturday mornings---well no direct deposit on Friday so I just thought - “okay—I have to wait until Saturday”……we Saturday came and went and NOTHING….no deposit – now I am thoroughly annoyed…and a bit TICKED. So I thought - “okay-Monday morning it will be there” I was so WRONG…I then got on the phone to call the people in charge and sure enough---with a snippy attitude a rep said that I am actually NOT due a check until today Monday…so check my account after 12 noon….I am trying my best to remain calm – however… 3 pm I checked my account and NOTHING….NO DEPOSIT… I called my lawyer – trying to explain this to his legal assistant….and she says she will discuss the issue with him and get back to me – well it is just short of 5pm here and NOTHING…I am LIVID.

I am sick and tired of having to deal with the state and I promise you – that they are doing this on purpose so that I will settle out my case for a mere nothing so that they do not have to be responsible for my health care anymore. (the meds are about $650 a month at least – the oxygen is a couple of hundred a month and the doctor is an easy couple of hundred a month) (so they are paying dearly for destroying my lungs).  I am SO DONE… I am sure that the lawyer and his assistant got paid this past Friday – so they are in no rush because it does not personally affect them.

So that was my weekend of ALMOSTS …. I could have gotten more accomplished had I stayed in bed.

I am not bummed out actually – I know all things will come together – I just really dislike not getting things done!
However – I did get to watch some good football – looks like it is going to be a good season – I did manage to still create – so that kept my head busy – and I am still knitting away….and a bonus is I received more pictures of my grandchildren so that, of course, made me a happy camper.

THANKS for stopping by – Remember to HUG those you LOVE – because no one is guaranteed a tomorrow~!~

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Summer Time is in full swing here – HOT and HUMID and STICKY and well just miserable unless you are inside in the AC.

Of course – I am inside in the AC – soaking up every second of cool air that I can get…
I wish I could tell you that we are moved in finally into the new computer room but that would be a lie…I think we have all become totally lazy and procrastination is our mantra because the heat arrived and nothing is getting done.

Today tho we are making progress – we are going through A LOT of junk in the old puter room and throwing out a ton of garbage…that way we know exactly what is going to the new room without the junk~We are also setting up a craft area for me – that was the original reason for me moving into another room, just not enough room for all my hobbies and such.

I will still be sharing the puter room with the honey tho I am thinking perhaps he needs to move into a different area – I don’t want him to cramp my new style – LOL.

Other News—both AJ and Crystalyn are ready to go for a new semester in school – Crystalyn passed her summer courses with a 3.0 so I am a happy camper—college starts here on August 30th….all other school start on the 23rd. My daughter is counting down the days until she turns the BIG 21OMG I cannot believe that she is going to be that old. Where has all the time gone – I can still remember like it was yesterday picking her up at pre-K and her being so proud of her day and telling me all about it…and now she is in college and experiencing a whole new life and meeting some wild and wonderful people…OH to be young again.

Have you noticed that Pre-season football has started… I am in complete heaven – so many games to watch and so little time to keep up with them….lol. I am truly excited about football season – I think it is going to be exciting with all the new rookies and changes that have taken place---all the teams so far are truly looking good!

I am still working on my creations – and have even taught myself the basics of knitting and I am attempting to knit a baby blanket for my new grand daughter—then again if it does not turn out right – it can used to cushion her car seat or stroller—LOL.

Just wanted to do a quick update – nothing much huh?
Thanks for stopping by and reading—Remember to HUG those you LOVE – time is so precious and moves so quickly----PEACE~!~

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Yes it is true - the wayward son has returned home. My son AJ decided to return home so
that he could go to school here for criminal justice....I am so very proud of him.
I know he wishes that he could be working right now as a firefighter - (
which is what he was trained for in the army) but jobs are just not out there - so going to school is a great thing.
His major opens the doors for so many fields - I just know he will do great!
School starts towards the end of the month.....Now Crystalyn is making quite a name for herself......her Ceramics professor is so impressed
with her clay work - that her creations will be in a gallery show all of the fall semester.
She gets a shelf (
area) to herself for her pieces - the background of the display will be panoramic
pictures of a volcano and islands..because the 'Lil Monsters' she created came from such a
place and are now here---(
her imagination is amazing also)
Yesterday he collected all of her pieces - I think it saddened her a bit because she had
to part with them -but she is excited to be part of a show.
She was also asked if she had other pieces because there is a second show that her work would
be great at - and she said yes - so this is
WONDERFUL for the girl - I am so very proud
of her---she just amazes me!
Now my other son who is still in the army - should be heading to the states around
September 9th - I cannot wait to see him and his wife and my new grandchildren--
what a great blessing to the family!
Then he reports to Fort Stewart by October 1st.
I am still fighting with WC about my meds - this is stressing me out more then I can
handle at this point.....they send me to their doctors and go through their tests and
then the dr prescribes meds and they deny them - any of this make sense?
Well we will see what happens - the lawyer put in paperwork against them again--so
just another obstacle to get over.Have been keeping busy with my zandoodles (I have renamed them from zentangles),
creating in the comfort of the sweet AC. The heat is just unreal this summer!
There is just no rain and we are under a water advisory so vegetable gardens are just
not thriving this year - it is sad!
Thanks For Stopping By - I appreciate the visit~!~
In the meantime - Hug those you LOVE - time is just too short~!~